Meet Linda

I proudly wear many hats in this adventure called life – child of the Most High, daughter, sister, niece, wife, mother, friend and true finance enthusiast!

My passion for finance is amplified by my academic qualifications and extensive experience. With over a decade of corporate experience in the Kenyan capital markets, I gained the knowledge and expertise necessary to navigate the world of finance successfully. I am an accredited member of ICIFA (Institute of Certified Investment and Financial Analysts ) and CISI (Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment )level II

My 10+ years of corporate experience led me to the realization that there are many people who require bespoke support.

The information on investing may be out here for consumption, but guidance on how to execute this information is lacking.

My vision is to simplify financial education, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions that positively impact your financial wellbeing.

 So, if this sounds like the exact type of support you are looking for, then let’s engage. Come learn the fundamentals of personal finance: from budgeting, debt management, financial protection (insurance), investing and wealth creation. Let us walk and work together to get you taking control of your financial future

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Your inspirational source for Financial Empowerment!

Linda is your go-to for all things financial empowerment! She’s not your average entrepreneur – she’s dynamic, a pro trainer, a podcaster, and a seasoned public speaker all rolled into one. Linda’s passion for financial well-being shines through in every aspect of her work.

In her engaging presentations, she weaves relatable client stories that make financial concepts easy to grasp. Her workshops are hands-on experiences, immersing you in real-world scenarios to boost your financial knowledge.

Ready? Book Linda Makatiani for your next event and get ready for a session filled with expertise, enthusiasm, and a whole lot of fun!

Enter your details below and Linda's team will be in touch.